Holy Hen House

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A Broken And Lowly Christmas

Zechariah lost his doubtful voice and found something worthy to say.

Elizabeth’s empty womb carried a child prophet full of the Holy Spirit.

Mary’s unplanned pregnancy was ridiculed and yet all generations call her blessed.

Joseph fathered a child that was not his own but was his very own Savior.

Ordinary shepherds that watched sheep night after night saw the Lamb of God.

Simeon’s dying wish was granted as he held Salvation in his very arms

A woman prophet named Anna worshiped, fasted, and prayed for decades never leaving the temple.

Magi followed signs and prophesies to bring kingly treasures to the Messiah that would serve him in his death.

Jesus’ infant life was threatened by King Herod but the kingdom of this world had no power over him.