Holy Hen House

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A Letter from Your Grandpa


To My Children:

Over twenty-eight years ago our first of three blessings was delivered to us. About two and a half years ago the blessings of the next generation appeared. Many things have changed, and yet some still stay the same. Years ago I attended a leadership workshop, and the presenter made a comment that stayed with me for the past 25 years. He said,

"Raise your children so that you do not have to worry about your grandchildren."

That is a very simple statement that has a lot of meaning.

Since I have been blessed with you three children and now two grandchildren, I have seen this statement in action. My prayer has always been and always will be that you, and now my grandchildren, remain faithful to Christ. What greater gift is there than to be able to share a faith that at some point in the future will unite us for all eternity in heaven.

I have had other prayers that have not changed. They have included good health for all of my family. I have prayed for people I don't even know yet-- your future spouses. My prayer is that you find a Christian spouse who encourages you in the Word and draws you closer to Christ. Then I can rest in the assurance that my grandchildren will be raised in a Christian home and have loving parents.

Many of my prayers have changed as you have aged, too. Prayers for success in academics, sports, music, art, friendships have all changed as you have grown up. My prayers for myself have also changed as you have grown. I have needed to change and mature as you have. At one time when you got hurt, I could pick you up in my arms and kiss you and make you feel better. Now I pray I can listen and share words of encouragement when your heart is broken (a much more difficult task).

I have thanked God for a wonderful, supportive wife and the blessing of having you as my children. Yes, I am proud of you in your faith and what you stand for. I am thankful that you all are faithful to God, responsible, and have the ability to make God-pleasing decisions.

I also pray for you that you find balance in your life. Balance between God (the church), your spouse, family, friends and work. Establishing priorities in these areas is important to your long term relationships and health.

My prayer is also that I have long life to enjoy you and my grandchildren, and that I have the opportunity to be with all of you and share in your life experiences. Treat every day as a precious gift from God.


If there is one piece of advice to reiterate with you, it is,

"Raise your children so that you do not have to worry about your grandchildren."

Lord's Blessings to my Children (and Grandchildren),

Dad & Grandpa Tom

Tom Schermerhorn is father to three grown children, Josh, Maggie, and Hannah and now grandfather to Penny and Jack. He works as an architect for Excel Engineering and enjoys various hobbies including playing basketball, renovating houses with his son, and playing with his grandchildren. He also enjoys volunteering and currently serves on the board of directors for Wisconsin Lutheran Retirement Community, WELS Synodical Council and Wisconsin Lutheran Child and Family Services.