Holy Hen House

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A Takeaway from Robin Williams Death

As I'm sure you all know, Robin Williams committed suicide a few days ago. I've noticed that everyone on social media, the news and online are talking about it. Why? Because everyone is saddened by the loss of someone they "know". You see, despite the fact that it is likely that none of us have ever actually met Robin Williams or know much about his life beyond the TV and movie screen, since we've seen him over the years we feel as if we've known him. We can recall scenes from a movie he was in. We can remember the voice of Genie in Aladdin.

He was a real person and he is really gone.

While everyone has been posting about the movies he played in or how they enjoyed his comedy, I wonder if we are focusing on the wrong things. Earthly status and fame are fleeting and temporary, but the eternal status of a person should be of a much bigger concern to us.

We can all be saddened by the passing of someone we have all seen on TV. However, every single day over 155,000 people across the globe die. Each one of these 155,000 people are as real and precious in God's sight as Robin Williams was. They are someone's child, mom, dad, brother, or sister.

And the reality? The reality is that MANY OF THEM are not ready to stand before God and face eternity.

Let's not let the tragic death of Robin Williams leave us sad and without hope like those who don't know God. All the world can cling to is looking back on someone's life and hoping it had some meaning or left some mark on the world. We as Christians need to look forward to the calling God has put on our life. There is a growing desperation in our world for HOPE; to hear the truth that life is more than short term pleasure and fading beauty; that there is something that satisfies more than wealth and fame.

There is real hope and joy that can only be found in Jesus. There is a peace and comfort that only knowing him and his free gift of salvation can bring (Romans 8:38-39). Because, the truth is that death comes to us all and each of us will stand before our creator, at the brink of eternity, and have to give an account for our lives (Romans 14:12).


You don't have to look far to find someone in need of the gospel message. It could be a family member, a neighbor, a coworker or a teen at your local high school. Starting today, let's do everything we can, within the sphere of influence God has given us, to share the good news of hope, life and freedom in Jesus Christ.

You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love. For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” - Galatians 5:13-14