Holy Hen House

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Announcement! HHH is a Nonprofit!

We have some news! As many of you know, the last three months have been incredibly exciting for our ministry. Our team has grown and the women God has compelled to use their gifts to serve are nothing short of amazing. Since the beginning, Holy Hen House has functioned similarly to a nonprofit but, unfortunately, without the benefits. After many discussions with our Finance Consultant and lots of research regarding nonprofit requirements, we completed the paperwork and submitted our application to make it official. Then we waited. Well, not really. While working on other projects, we prayed that our application would be accepted before the new year. So, when the letter came declaring Holy Hen House 501(c)3 tax-exempt, we were ecstatic!

We are approved! Holy Hen House is an official nonprofit! Praise be to God!

Now that we’ve taken this important step, we will be able to serve you even better! For instance, whenever someone gave Holy Hen House money as a gift in the past,, we had to pay taxes on that as income. Now all of the money donated will be tax-free and 100% of it will be put to work for our ministry!

How can I give?

Supporters of our ministry can donate directly by secure payment online by visiting out website or by mailing a check to PO Box 53, Kingston, WI 53939.

Take a look at our donation page to learn more!

See this donate button in the original post

Is my donation tax deductible?

Yes! As a donor, you are eligible for a tax-deduction. Following your donation, you will receive a tax-deductible receipt in your email.

How can I stay updated on the work of HHH?

Our support page will be updated every quarter with a detailed report on our ministry. Donors will also receive a letter at the end of each year which will contain a review of Holy Hen House’s mission, a summary of ministry work from that year, and any other related news for the year ahead.

We are so grateful for the ongoing support our community has shown as we spur women on with the Word of God. Looking back to when we started, we have learned so much and can’t help but give God the glory for His provision and guidance throughout the years.

It is our prayer that women will continue to approach God’s Word with a hunger that only Jesus can satisfy and that the Holy Spirit will give them the power and confidence to live for His glory!

Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. Hebrews 10:23-25


Amanda Rose | Co-Founder, Creative Director, Editor-in-Chief
Mel Kreuser | Co-Founder, Content-Editor
Becky Schermerhorn | Co-Founder, Content-Editor
Ashley Evans | Copy Writer
Rachel Grokowsky | Marketing Director, Products Designer
Ann Jahns | Sales Coordinator, Editor
Katie Blievernicht | Events Manager
Gwen Schroeder | Finance Consultant