Holy Hen House

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Luke 21 & 22

LukeIntroduction1 Watch out!

Don't worry.

Be careful.


When the end seems near (which it has ever since Jesus left!) Jesus calls us to trust him. He came to serve us. He came to fight for us. We don't need to do the worrying or the fighting.

I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. John 16:33

Even the disciples had it wrong. They argued who was the greatest, fell asleep when Jesus asked them to keep watch and pray, and Peter raised his sword to defend Jesus.

It's hard for our nature to grasp that our Lord serves us... defends us... loves us... and saves us. That's why we need to hear the Gospel again and again. The First became Last so that we may be won!

Below is a Bible study sheet that will serve as a guide for Luke 21 & 22. Click here or on the image below and print pages 25-26. Most notes will be written in the margins of your Bible or printed Luke text but there are some specific questions to be answered on the Bible study sheet as well.



Here‘s what else you need: - A Bible journal with wide margins OR you can print the whole book of Luke double spaced with 12 font. - An additional Bible translation to compare. NIV, NKJV, NASB, & ESV are some reliable ones. - An audio Bible, audio Bible app, or you can listen online here. - A trusted Bible commentary. I have the Luke People's Bible Commentary. - A regular pencil & some colored pencils. - A Holy Hen House annotation bookmark (below).



It may feel hard at first. Jen Wilkin in her book Women of the Word reassures us, "...Bible study becomes more intuitive the more you do it. It is the process for an orderly, long-term building project with cumulative benefits. Even if you are in a season of life that won't allow you to use ALL the tools of the process exhaustively, you can use them as far as your time does allow. Build slowly if you must, but by all means, build."

One important aspect that should not be overlooked during our time in God's Word is prayer. Before, during, and after. As Jen Wilkin says,

Prayer is what changes our study from the pursuit of knowledge to the pursuit of God himself.

Let's encourage one another throughout the week by sharing images of us studying the book of Luke on Instagram and Facebook using #HHHBibleStudy. It is an extra motivation to know we are reading God's Word together!

If you haven't already, don't forget to join our private online bible study Facebook group of 250+ women! That's where we will be discussing our questions, answers, and thoughts throughout the week.
