Holy Hen House

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"Out of the Nest" 2016 Interview with the Haven Project

  We are honored to help spread awareness and benefit the Haven Project at our upcoming moms' "Out of the Nest" event this April. Hilde Miller took some time to chat about motherhood, faith, and the Haven Project's mission in the interview above.

"The Haven Project was born out of the sheer desire to share the good news of Christ's salvation. We have all been blessed with the Gift beyond value - the Gift of Jesus. Yet while we all share that spiritual treasure, the disparity in material possessions will remain this side of Heaven. We can do something about that. We exist to help those who have far less than most, who are in a difficult season of their lives.....who could use not only the gift of hearing about Christ, but the gift of meeting some of their basic material needs and wants.

There are countless ways to help..."

1. Glance through the Haven Project wish list.


2. Buy one or several items for a family in need.

3. Bring your gifts along with your "Out of the Nest" admission ticket to our "Out of the Nest" event. 4. Meet Hilde and place your Haven Project gift(s) under our Spring "Bloom" tree!




Come bless the Haven Project and grab your “Out of the Nest” ticket below!


