Holy Hen House

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The Power of ONE

I have tried for countless years to let go/unfriend/walk away from fearful thoughts. Any distraction – large or small – can set a stage for anxiety to appear.  A medical bill, piled up obligations or news alert provides open invitation for worry to waltz in and keep me on the edge of my seat. Despite much effort, the battle rages on. 

One look into the mirror of God’s law reflects personal inadequacy. My sinful human nature contributes to the Enemy’s sinister plot to use any weakness to draw me away from my Savior. Stubborn belief that I alone have power to beat Foe FEAR is pure foolishness.  But there is One who can.

Our church's Reformation celebration provided a perfectly-timed Holy-Spirit-reminder that God did not design his children for single-handed combat. Nor do I possess more knowledge and strength than the Creator! Committing anxiety into the Father’s hands quickly repaired the chink in my Christian armor.

Worshipping with God’s people, hearing God’s Holy Word, renewed by bread and wine, I was transformed.  The pure doctrine of God’s plan for mankind rang out as clearly as the day it was written and Martin Luther’s translated it into readable form. Each word that God inspired has great power, is active still today and endures forever: even the smallest word.

The word for today is:  ONE

ONE God-made-man who dwelt among us: Christ alone.

ONE truth of God’s undeserved love by his Son’s death and resurrection: Grace alone.

ONE book contains everything needed in life: Scripture alone.

ONE gift of confidence in eternal salvation: Faith alone


                Ah, dearest Jesus, holy Child,

                Make Thee a bed, soft, undefiled

                Within my heart, that it may be

                A quiet chamber kept for Thee.


God is our refuge and strength; an ever-present help; therefore, WE WILL NOT FEAR;



The Holy Spirit’s indwelling gets easily overlooked whenever I permit problems to overwhelm me and forget about the weapons God provides.


The hymn, A Mighty Fortress lyrically magnifies an Almighty power far greater than mine own. 

Consider this phrase:

                ONE LITTLE WORD CAN FELL HIM. 


Take that, Fiend Satan.


Our struggle against fear, death and the devil’s power is constant - but the battle is the Lord’s. For us fights the Valiant One. The victory is already WON! To God alone be the glory!


Onward, Christian soldier.