Holy Hen House

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THE Ultimate Spiritual Gift // Fan Into Flame

flameheader There is no one exactly like you.

Not even the Myers-Briggs test can pin you down.

God planned you. He planned for you to be alive during this very moment.

Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. Psalm 139:16

You - your gifts - are important to the Lord and his kingdom.

Don't worry. You aren't going to answer any multiple choice questions like those teen magazine quizzes to narrow down your spiritual gifts. Not yet.

There is something more unique and important to you that comes from God.

The gift from which all gifts come from. The gift above all gifts. Faith.

Open your Bible to 2 Timothy chapter 1, the basis of our bible study. Paul wrote his second and last letter to young Timothy while he was in prison. Timothy likely felt discouraged with Paul being in prison and afraid to speak out about his faith. Paul reminded Timothy that his faith was a gift of God and should not be hidden in fear.



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I hope you enjoyed our first online bible study from the series Fan Into Flame.

Join us next week as we study how the Spirit of God is powerful in our lives.

***If you use the bible study in a group or share it with another please give source credit to me and the blog. Thank you!

Click here to join our private online bible study Facebook page and join the chatter throughout week!

If you want to be a part of the bible study I highly recommend being a part of the Facebook group where we get to know you more and be mutually encouraged! The Facebook group is private so any information that you share will be seen only by those allowed in the group.
