10 Reasons to Get in the Word with Your Spouse

If there is one piece of marriage advice that I could give to every couple, it would be this: Read the Bible together EVERY NIGHT. 

Throughout the course of your marriage you will hear so much advice on things like how to be a good communicator, how to be better at resolving fights, how to speak each other’s love language, and how to keep the spark alive. While all these different pieces of wisdom can be helpful and good for a marriage, if they are done in place of time in God’s Word together, we are missing the boat.

“God created marriage. No government subcommittee envisioned it. No social organization developed it. Marriage was conceived and born in the mind of God.” - Max Lucado

If we are looking to find and enjoy what marriage was designed to be, then we need to go to the Creator himself. This beautiful relationship we have entered into together was meant to find its greatest fulfillment within our joint relationship with the Lord. If you have a great marriage but you and your spouse are not reading His Word and praying together, I’m telling you that you are missing the BEST part!


I’m a huge advocate of getting in the Bible with your spouse each night, but for the sake of avoiding an extremely long post, I thought I would keep it simple by giving you 10 reasons to start doing a nightly Bible reading and prayer with your hubby (or wife for some of our loyal guy readers).

  1. It answers the age old question: “What should we do tonight?”
  2. You’ll watch less TV. I personally see this as a positive thing. With all the trash on TV shows, as well as in the commercials, getting away from the lies the world is selling us in exchange for time spent with God will always be the better long-term investment.
  3. It sparks engaging conversations. Our best conversations are usually started in discussing what we are reading together.
  4. It requires you to spend quality time with your spouse. No matter how different your hobbies and interests, reading the Bible is such a great way to enjoy time together each night.
  5. It will help resolve conflicts. It’s very hard to keep fighting or stay mad once you are reading God’s Word together. The truth that we are all sinners and all need forgiveness is a tough one to ignore.
  6. It keeps life in perspective. There is something so comforting about opening the Word and realizing God is God and I am not. He has been and will always be in total control. No matter how big our problems may feel, He is always bigger.
  7. It will change you BOTH. “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” – Hebrews 4:12
  8. It models a lifestyle for your kids. Making time to be in the Word together each night is not something your children will miss. What a great way to show them your priorities and what they should want in a marriage someday.
  9. It will bless your intimacy. Coming before God together in humility and truth is a very vulnerable thing, especially if you are also praying and confessing your sins together. Once you start regularly doing this, the spiritual intimacy that develops will translate into a stronger physical intimacy.
  10. It will satisfy you and yet leave you wanting more. As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God? – Psalm 42:1-2

What keeps you from getting in the Word with your husband? Make an effort to address these things together.

Talk to your husband and find a way to make time to enjoy God and his Word together.