a why-didn't-I-think-of-that idea for Mother's Day

notebook_ You know those goofy V8 veggie juice commercials where the people get bopped in the head as the voice-over man says "Could've had a V8"?

You know the ones.

I had one of those moments earlier this week when I stumbled across a why-didn't-I-think-of-this-before idea. In summary -  in lieu of dad and kiddos buying and writing in Mother's Day cards each year, how about a Mother's Day Journal instead? They can fill in a page or two every May with notes and letters, photos and drawings. The best part? Those sweet, love-filled sentiments from family are always together in one spot.

Why didn't I think of that?? So simple, but brilliant.

I'm head-over-heels smitten!

I know that in the years to come, I will cherish the sweet and funny notes my Josiah leaves for me in that journal. This year I can see him tracing his hand and trying his best to sound out words. He's such a thoughtful boy and I know his little personality will shine through. What a joy to watch him grow on the page, from backward letters and darling drawings to full on sentences and paragraphs.

Not only will the pages be special to me in the moment, but I think of myself all wrinkled and gray flipping through the journal with a smile and teary eyes.

What a treasure.

My little plan is to pick out a pretty notebook or journal and present it to my boys with the idea the week before Mother's Day. Sometimes a girl just needs to get the ball rollin'! Then year after year, Josiah will have a special place to pour out his love for his mama. ;-) And if God blesses us with more children in the future, they'll be able to join in on the fun!

Wouldn't this journal idea be perfect for more than just Mother's Day? I'm not only going to choose one for me, but for my husband and son, too. Then for birthdays, anniversaries, and special occasions, we can forgo the cards and write letters in the journals instead. I'm kind of giddy about it! I'll gladly need to take on the role of "The Keeper of the Journals" who reminds the others to write in them and makes sure they're in a safe spot (aka not being ripped to shreds or scribbled on or lost).

The reason this makes me so excited is because I'm a lover of words. Hand written notes are forever special to me. I keep every one. Lives that I adore to.the.ends are behind the writing and so they are treasures to me. I also want my people to have pieces of my heart for them on the page. I've been meaning to be more intentional with writing letters to my boys and these journals will definitely be a nudge in the right direction!

Can you tell I'm excited about this?

What are your thoughts on this idea, friends?

Do you already do this? Are you going to start it up? If so, go get yourself a pretty notebook or ask you husband/children to pick one out today!

