Art & Devotion: Standing in Grace

standing in grace 700 px This summer is really getting the better of me. My romantic visions of domestic tranquility, mountain hikes, and relaxing evenings sipping lemonade were a little off. Instead, I sprained my foot doing laundry, soccer camp got hailed on, my son punched his little brother in the nose (it was an accident, Mom!), I spaced out social engagements, and then got a migraine. Oh my.

I don't even have a good excuse for most of my moments of crabbiness and forgetfulness. We have, for once, no serious health issues or tragedies happening, the daily schedule is not crazy. I don't have a good excuse, which means I have to admit - I'm just not perfect. Nor are my kids or husband. We can make a perfect mess of a perfectly lovely day.

But in between the kids' squabbles, and my ice packs, and mountains of laundry, I can see God's grace. My daughter is walking around reciting "unto life everlasting, amen." My boys forgave each other without a reminder, and I found five quiet moments to sit down with coffee to write today. Jesus is making it work, taking our awkward days, filling them with grace, and moving us another day closer to home (heaven.) We are standing in grace this summer, like always.

Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. Romans 5:1-2

For a visual reminder that I'm walking around in God's grace, I created the above piece of wallpaper artwork to put on my computer desktop. If you could use a reminder as well, click on the image and save.
