As A Mother Comforts Her Child

“Hurt, hurt,” I heard my son whimpering as he came around the corner.  He had been running through the house, tripped and skinned his elbow. There was a little blood on the surface so I took him to the bathroom to clean it up, put a bandage on it and, of course, kiss it.


“All better,” I replied.


He grinned and ran back off to play. Throughout the day he would come to me and tell me that his elbow still hurt, I would kiss it and he would acknowledge the simple act with a smile and an “all better, mommy.”


I love his innocence; I love that even though his elbow throbbed a bit, he still believed me that it was all better.


No matter how many times I kiss a boo-boo (because let’s face it, with a toddler boy who loves to climb, jump and run I’m ALWAYS kissing boo-boos) I’m continually amazed at the ease in which he trusts me. As a parent I’m constantly humbled and reminded of my relationship with my Heavenly Father through my children.


I wish I could say I trust God as much as my son trusts me, but that’s not always the case.


Isaiah tells the people of Israel just how much the Lord loves them and is willing to do for them in Isaiah 66:13. There he tells them, “As a mother comforts her child, so I will comfort you.” Those words were true for the Israelites and they are true for us.


In reality; however, I’m often questioning God and his will for my life. Over and over again he tells me not to worry, that he has it all under control.


For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
— Jeremiah 29:11


He tells me, “it’s going to be all better”, but don’t confuse “all better” with “perfect”. Much like I don’t promise my son his boo-boo will be perfect, God doesn’t promise me things will be perfect.


Just as my son’s elbow continued to throb throughout the day, the troubles of our life can often cause displeasure or discomfort for a while. Difficult troubles may scab over and the hardest times in our life often leave scars, but we know that in all things God is working for good in our lives (Romans 8:28); we can be absolutely confident in that.


Over and over again we see God’s love poured out for his children. The ultimate sacrifice was made so that it would be all better.

I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.
— John 16:33

I’m not typically one for resolutions, but I do think it’s important in this new year to recommit ourselves to the Lord and to put our trust in his promises. We don’t know the specifics of what this year will hold but we can be confident that we have a loving Father who assures us that he is in ultimate control.


I was reminded in church this past Sunday that the response to struggle and strife should be to spend time in prayer, spend time in God’s word and to worship him! It may seem like the simple “Christian answer to everything” however, it’s the answer because it works!


So the next time you’re hurting or find yourself kissing a boo-boo for someone else, let it be a reminder to you of what God has promised you. Remember how very much he loves you and that, when you put your trust in him, things may not be perfect but in the end he will make things of this world “all better.”


Father, sometimes it can be so hard to trust your promises when you take us down a road that doesn’t fit into our idea of what life should look like. Help us to remember your faithfulness always. Draw us closer to you through prayer, your word and worship that we may be filled with your peace in this new year. Amen.