Breath of Fresh Air

I like to breathe, don’t you? It’s healthy. It’s necessary. I venture to say I would die if I couldn’t get a breath for a minute or two. breath of fresh airThe photo above is a picture of a paint color called “Breath of Fresh Air.” What does this color bring to mind for you? Endless sky? Blue oceans? Glimpses of heaven? Sweet baby boys? The earth teaming with life? According to psychologists the color blue elicits sincerity, calm moods, strength, and peace.

I think it’s the color of breath.

That breath reminds us of where real life starts and ends. Breath is a gift of God, a precious treasure. But merely breathing automatically doesn’t bring us true life. True life comes as a gift of the Lord’s Holy Spirit through the Word of God.

Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” And with that he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.” John 20:21

I am nothing without this breath of life-giving faith.

Nothing at all.

I am not even alive.

But when I breathe in God’s life-giving Word found on the pages of the Bible, every breath becomes the fresh air of God’s amazing grace. With each breath I am renewed, day in and day out.

An incredible fact of breathing in God’s grace in Christ is when we exhale. We are given the ability to breathe out grace to others. We can literally breathe out words of God's love and godly encouragement to our family and friends.

Unfortunately, we cannot be loving and encouraging on our own. We cannot say anything truly loving to our children, husband, family or friends without the breath of God in us. We cannot be remotely caring without his grace to us first.

So Jesus remedied that for us. When he left this world as he ascended into heaven, he also left a promise. He promised he would send the gift of the Holy Spirit. The result is the unstoppable power the Holy Spirit gives to the Word of God and to us.  The Word calls us to faith, keeps us in the faith and gathers us safely to heaven. It enables us to show the love of Jesus to others while we wait for the glorious day.

Now that is a breath of fresh air, for sure!

Holy Spirit, come abide within; May Your joy be seen in all I do— Love enough to cover ev'ry sin In each thought and deed and attitude, Kindness to the greatest and the least, Gentleness that sows the path of peace. Turn my striving into works of grace. Breath of God, show Christ in all I do

~Getty hymn "Holy Spirit", verse 2




Chatter, FaithMarilynComment