Drive Safely With These 4 Types of Mentors

Stumbling around in the pitch black of the early morning, I groped for stability and tiptoed to subdue extra noise in the bedroom. The routine of never leaving without saying goodbye was accomplished with minimal disruption to my husband’s sleep. As I found the door, the voice behind me said softly, “Drive safely.” My hubby’s words got me to thinking. How do we drive safely, not on the streets, but on the paths of our lives? Is it ever possible to drive safely in life? What risks do we encounter on a daily basis in matters of eternity? Who can help us take a more intentional path? The questions began swirling in my mind. Answers formulated, too, remembering those who have influenced my own way.


Traveling with a team of mentors can help us navigate the fog of conventional wisdom. We need to remember that much of the advice we get from current thought in media or print is fundamentally flawed because it starts from the wrong premise. When women start with God’s Word and understand the application, they will be blessed. Seeking out faithful believing women as guides can help us on our way.  What are some characteristics to discover in others and to grow in ourselves?


  1. Someone to challenge you to think about your fears. Just last week in a conversation a young mom asked me how I would proceed, given a circumstance. My first reaction was to give my sage advice (ha!) and let her sort out the wisdom in my words. This time the advice was different. I asked her to start contemplating a new question: What would you do if you weren’t afraid? Would your actions honor God by trusting more?

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

Our fears can disappear in the strength of God’s power.


  1. Someone to challenge you to grow. A long time ago we had a couple of middle aged ladies in our church.  At first they surprised me, then they intrigued me, and finally they inspired me. In my mind I started to call them the Bereans. At the time they did not know exactly who to trust about the interpretation of scriptures, so they decided that the only way they would know the truth is if they learned Greek. They became equipped to see scriptural meaning more deeply.

I was surprised because I had never met women who aspired to learn Greek. I was intrigued because the thought of learning Greek to gain understanding of scripture had never crossed my mind. I was inspired because I saw the women’s thirst for knowledge and truth of God’s Word. Their approach was refreshing, with no shrinking back and letting someone else do all the hard work. Instead they were diligently digging for the diamonds. These ladies’ desire lit a fire in my heart and the Holy Spirit used their example to make me hunger for more. I wanted to know the Savior more intimately too!

Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true. Acts 17:11


  1. Someone to steer you onto God’s path. In this context, the idea of driving safely takes on a new meaning. Like the Bereans, my friends exhibited a noble character. They risked some ridicule and loss as the cost of truly knowing the Savior. Like them, we don’t have to be afraid to color outside the lines of what others might think. We can pursue God’s will for our lives without fear of reprisal. God has big plans for women of faith! Since he has crushed sin on the cross and shown his power over death, wouldn't he want us to see the paths of life through the lens of his Word? Only his paths are true.

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. Psalm 119:105


  1. Someone to assist your transformation into his likeness. The way of this world is transactional. By that I mean, I do something for you because I am going to get something back from you. God’s economy is completely different. He has done everything and we receive all the blessings. Our heavenly Father invites us to participate in our new life the minute we come to faith. He invites us to make decisions as we put our hands over his on the steering wheel of life. God even lets us drive off the road at times, and in the end he works out the consequences for our ultimate good. His amazing love leads us to the goal of becoming more and more like Jesus. Our transformation into his likeness will be complete when we arrive safely home with him in heaven. Until then, we are training in righteousness. Choosing role models wisely will enrich the journey. Immensely.

In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Philippians 1:4-6


Dear Jesus, thank you for placing people in our lives to guide our way. Forgive us for the many times we have become apathetic to the rich feast found in your Word. Calm our fears, increase our love for your Word, help us grow, and transform us into your likeness. Let us reflect your love in all our relationships, and in your time, bring us safely home. In your holy, precious name. Amen.


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