Guard From Burning Out // Fan Into Flame



Don't lose the flame.

What causes our faith to burn out? Well, according to Matthew 13, plenty: when we don't understand the message about the kingdom & the evil one snatches faith away, trouble or persecution, shallow faith, worries of this life, deceitfulness of wealth.

Also, it is far too easy to pull the "busy" card. Our culture runs with this idea that if we aren't busy than we are slacking.

We are busy when we are in school. We are busy when we are at work. We are busy when we are married. We are busy when we have children. We are extra busy when our children have their schedules added to ours. We are busy even when the kids leave because of the things we have been waiting to do. We are busy when we retire (as I have heard) because the time goes quicker than we remember - we still feel too busy.

What are we so busy for? What are we investing our time and energy in? I hope it is for something that truly matters.

There will always be good (and bad!) reasons to draw our attention elsewhere but let us not forget that our main purpose is to tell others and especially our families the gospel.

So that they can believe the message given to us. So that they may live forever in heaven and NOT hell. That truly matters.

If we wait until everything is just right to spend time in God's Word... it's not going to happen.

But let me warn you that even those who work in the ministry are at risk of burnout...

We can be in God's Word every day - sharing it - reading it - using it but not resting in it. We hear often of men and women in the ministry who get burned out!

I truly think this is why we need to value the Sabbath every week. To rest from our work (even Pastors!) and be filled with the Spirit.

Jesus understood this. He was so busy and had good reason to be - yet, he took the time to go alone and pray to His Father. He fully needed the assurance of God and if our perfect Savior did than we certainly do too.

This week we continue our study on faith from 2 Timothy 1. Paul is writing this letter to Timothy at the end of his life when he is in prison. Paul shares the lesson that in life all that matters is THE ultimate gift of the Spirit - his faith and he urges Timothy to do all he can to keep his faith safe.

There is a lot out there trying to rip our faith away. May we also be strongly reminded to...


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I hope you enjoyed our fourth and final online bible study from the series Fan Into Flame.

Week one // THE Ultimate Spiritual Gift  Week two // Your Holy Life Week three // Many Gifts - One Spirit Week four // Be On Guard

***If you use the bible study in a group or share it with another please give source credit to me and the blog. Thank you!

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