he always lands on love

After we say the prayers and sing the hymns and tuck our boy into his bed, we each take turns sharing the  "best part, sad part, funny part, cool part" of our day. We've been doing this since Josiah was a toddler and it's something we never, ever skip even if our eyelids are heavy. It's a sweet way to end the day and a valuable opportunity to hear how each of us is feeling.

Every night my little guy's best part is that I love you. And I melt into a puddle every single time.

Even on hard, messy days. Even when I don't deserve it. Even when lots of fun, fantastic, memorable things happen that could certainly be said as the best thing that day, he always lands on love.

Love wins.

I pull his blanket up to his chin and smooch his cheek.

And we repeat the same moments again the next night.

good night

Do you have a special share time with your family? At bedtime or around the dinner table or while driving in the car? We'd love to hear about it. 
