Jesus and Technology

Technology can truly be both a blessing and a curse. While there is a load of information, entertainment, and easy communication literally at our fingertips, there are also just as many distractions and corrupt content to get in the way. We have touched on one challenge of technology during our Porn Series here, here, here, here, and here. However, today I want to focus on the positives. Here is a list of different websites or apps for you to use to aid in your Bible studies. We are all short on time and have many distractions, so to have something quick and convenient is great! Our Bibles are rather heavy, but now we can access it right on our phones along with a bunch of other cool features.

  1. WELS App: There are many different things to explore on this app, but my top five favorite things are the following:
    1. "Today's Devotions": These are a quick read based on a Bible verse that is a reference from the readings of either the previous or following Sunday's worship. This is a great way to focus for the following week or to recap the previous sermon.This can either be read or you can listen to it. This can be accessed on the home screen page.
    2. "Through My Bible": This has a plan for reading through the Bible in a few years and has different readings daily.This can either be read or you can listen to it. This can be accessed on the home screen page.
    3. "Worship Helps": This has the references for the following Sunday's worship readings. It also has a short commentary on each section to get you thinking about the main point of the reading. This can be accessed on the home screen page.screen shot 1
    4. "Questions and Answers": This is a fun little section of questions that readers submit, and a pastor answers them. Not a true Bible study but a fun way to get answers on some current issues. This can be accessed by clicking the top left icon of three horizontal lines. Then click the "Read" category. Then click "Questions and Answers."
    5. "Heart to Heart": This is a blog from Forward in Christ. There are different posts by different authors that write about their experiences in parenting. This can be accessed by clicking the top left icon of three horizontal lines. Then click the "Read" category. Then click "Heart to Heart." This will open a browser and bring you to the blog. screen shots 2
  2. You Version: This app also has a lot to explore. What is kind of neat about this is that you can have friends and see what plans they are doing in a Facebook style newsfeed. There are probably hundreds of different "Plans" you can choose from for Bible reading schedules or devotions or both.screen shots 3
  3. Bible Gateway: I don't personally use this one, but a number of the hens referenced this as an app they used to listen to the Bible (while washing the dishes, folding the laundry, etc.)screen shots 4
  4. Sermons/Podcasts: Check out your church's website for audio of previous sermons (if your church doesn't, check out Grace Downtown) or check out Revive Our Hearts for women focused studies. Download some podcasts you are interested in (Check out these from WELS or Canaan Bound). Listen while doing your chores or playing with the kiddos. Maybe folding the laundry will be a little more tolerable this way?
  5. Christian Radio: Nothing lifts my mood better when I am stuck in the house than listening to music. Find a station with some great Christian music or hymns you love.
  6. Devotions: Besides the studies within the above apps, there are so many Bibles studies online that you can print and use at home! Check out these from Holy Hen House or Forward in Christ.

I've covered a lot here, but this isn't even the beginning of what there is out there to help you along in your adventure with God's Word. Take some time to explore and find your new favorite way to soak up to the gospel message.

What are apps you use and why do you use them? Have any additional resources to share with us? Comment and let us all in!
