Karla Adolphe Lingering Christmas EP Giveaway

Take time, slow down, be still, be awake to the Divine Mystery that looks so common and so ordinary yet is wondrously present.- Edward Hays, A Pilgrims Almanac

Lingering. This is the word. The one I've been searching for this Advent season. Since December began a common theme throughout all of our posts has been to slow down. To rest in the grace that we don't have to do anything extra this Christmas! Immanuel came to do everything. To save us. This is what Christmas is about. Let's linger in that grace.


Lingering is the title of Christian Indie musician Karla Adolphe's new Christmas EP and her music creates a space to listen and ponder Immanuel, God with us.

When I play Karla's music it is like she is sitting across from me with her guitar and telling stories from her heart. The story closest to her heart - Jesus.

Her voice is strong, soulful, and intimate.

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Karla's original, All Your Glory, is a wonderful addition to the more familiar Christmas melodies such as We Three Kings, Do You Hear What I Hear, O Come O Come Emmanuel, and In The Bleak Mid Winter.

In All Your Glory Karla sings,

You will be with me,  right by my side.

Those words sound like lyrics to any song but when you attach them to Jesus and Christmas this brings peace beyond understanding. We are not alone. We are not left alone in our sin. Immanuel came, God with us.

So sing along and remember God's promise - even if we don't feel worthy...

I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. Before long, the world will not see me anymore, but you will see me. Because I live, you also will live. On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you. - John 14:18-20

Karla will be giving away one album download of her recent Christmas EP, Lingering, to FIVE of our readers!


In Karla's own words,

"Christmas is often the most wonderful time of the year, but as I learnt with Honeycomb Tombs, grief can cause even the treasury of Christmas to become challenging.  I really wanted to create an album that would extend grace and warmth to those of you who may be grieving this season and honour your kindness to me as a listener.

I hope you enjoy the songs I selected, some of these are my absolute favourite!  The songs express themes of pilgrimage, longing, hope, revelation, visitation and prophecy.  I hope in them you find rest; linger with me and thank you for joining me on this journey."


To enter the giveaway, you must answer the question in the comments below.  How do you linger in the meaning of Christmas this time of year?


The 5 winners of Karla Adolphe's Lingering Christmas EP will be announced December 16th!


Chair+and+Microphone+Vol+3+karlachairI happened to come across Karla Adolphe’s music by chance on Pandora and had to find out who she was! I love when Pandora pleasantly surprises me like that. When I first heard her music I quickly highlighted, copied, and pasted “You Are Mine” in my search bar and ordered the album Enter the Worship Circle, Chair and Microphone, Vol. 3 immediately! The songs are based off of scripture and Karla does an incredible job of including personal poetry to make a unique work of sacred art. Enter the Worship Circle, Chair and Microphone, Volume 3 is one of my top five albums.




cover-honecombHer album Honeycomb Tombs is for a more specific audience and mission: to bring comfort to those in grief. After the death of her friend’s daughter, Karla brought comfort to the grieving family with music. She has extended that gift to us on this inspired album. A true gift is given freely – click here to download the album for free. Did I just say free? Yes, but if you are ever so kind, you can pay $5 to help with her project.




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