keepsake binders :: a solution for kiddo papers and artwork

Sing it with me now..... School's out for summer!


Bring on the sun and sand and no-set-schedule.

But, like me, you might have piles of kiddo school papers that need to be sorted. Am I right??

I'm here to help! Well, not actually help you sort, but I am here to offer up an option for the schoolwork, art projects, and special papers you want to keep for your child.

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My solution for the past few years?

2 inch binder + clear sleeves + kiddo keepsakes = works for me

The Struggle is Real for me and ALL THE PAPERS, so to find a system that works well and that I can stick with is a thrilling victory for me.

Let me set the scene: Child comes home from school. Mom grabs papers from folder and quickly sorts them. She tosses most into the recycling bin and puts the rest in the big basket on top of the fridge. The basket fills up. Mom pulls basket down and sorts the papers into definite "keep" and "toss" piles. The keepers are plopped into plastic sleeves and snapped into the special binder. And so on and on, every few weeks.

Easy. Inexpensive. Manageable. Organized.

Like I said, v-i-c-t-o-r-y!

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Here are some of the Kindergarten keepers!

I'm quite picky about what ends up in the "keep" pile. My goal for these keepsake binders is for them to represent my boy well at each age/grade level. This Kindergarten year binder includes papers with his first math facts and writing samples from the beginning, middle, and end of the year. It includes poems he's penned, favorite art projects he's glued, and special projects he's worked on with his classmates. Sunday School items, awards, photos sent home from school, and notes from friends and teachers (and mama & daddy, too) are also kept. Creations he whipped up at home that made him beam with pride are definitely in there, too.

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What I love about this system is that the binder is always accessible for me to grab off the shelf and add to as the year goes on. I love that I can continue with it each year by simply buying another binder and a package of sleeves. I love that I can flip through and feel all the feelings and marvel at my growing baby. I LOVE how my sweet boy smiles as he looks at his special books.

And this concludes the longest love letter to binders. Of all time. You're welcome.

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Oh, wait! One more thing! The too-big-for-the-binder items?? Bigger crafts, daily journal notebooks, etc. go into a (clean, unused) labeled pizza box! Josiah's teacher sent his home filled up with Kindergarten goodness.

What about you, friends?? How do you keep kiddo papers and keepsakes organized? Please share! Will you try out the binder system? Do you have something else in mind?

