LadyBeez Designs // Sponsor Spotlight


Hello Holy Hen House!!!!!

I am honored and humbled to be a Holy Hen House sponsor.  As a long time reader and writer of blogs, I cannot tell you what an amazing community of women can do for each other!  In fact, a very similar type of community of women is what inspired and led me to form my business as it is today.

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It all started 7 years ago when my husband and I were the proud parents of one: a little girl who filled our lives with so much joy and excitement that I just wanted to share it with the world.  So, I started a personal family blog to chronicle our lives.  It was mainly for our family and friends--(before Facebook was the popular go-to sharing site for everyone).  This led me to a world of moms that not only loved their role as mothers, but also shared my passion for creativity.  My blog turned into a place to share DIY projects, thrifting finds, scrapbooking ideas, and more.  The sewing part, on the other hand, was a new frontier for me.  That might surprise some of you, especially when you learn that my mom is my sewing partner in LadyBeez Designs.  You see, she has been sewing since she was 11 years old.  She used to make her clothes growing up, and she sewed many outfits for me and my siblings as well.  However, as many times as she tried to pass that skill onto me, it didn't stick.  Turns out, we learn a bit differently.  I have only truly learned to sew in the past 5 years, and although I often keep it simple and say "I am self-taught", that is far from the truth.  I learned online.  I learned from other women sharing their skills, tips, and tricks on their own blogs: sewing, photography, Etsy selling, advertising, and even some book-keeping (this part I gotta give props to my hubby though too)

My inspiration, however, comes from a different place. Let me see if I can explain:  I've spent a good part of our church services in the past 7 1/2 years in the back, and I don't mean just toward the back of the church, I'm talking pacing back and forth, in the back-of-the-back, calming one of our 4 precious cherubs.  Our last little blessing just turned one year old, so we've surpassed the wailing infant stage and have entered the restless toddler one.  Mamas, you know what I'm talking about, right? What has come to my attention over the past year, however, if I back up just enough, we are almost nose-to-nose with one of the breath-taking stained glass windows that adorn our sanctuary.  Almost always, my little one calms. The light shines through this rainbow of artwork, and I think...the Holy Spirit just flew into my child.  The Lord uses these shapes, colors, and patterns to reach my child in a way that I seem to fall short.  He stares in wonder, quietly taking in all it's beauty, and I get to turn my attention back to the sermon.  A little miracle of miracles on a Sunday morning.

I suppose this is what I look like walking through the aisles of the fabric store.  Eyes WIDE open, silently taking everything in. My wheels are constantly turning, planning outfits, patterns, mixing and matching the perfect design for my next creation.  It is my gift.  It took me almost 33 years to admit it, and you heard it here first.

It is my gift, a God-given gift: to create.

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. I Peter 4:10

This past year, with a supportive push from my husband, we turned this gift into a business: LadyBeez Designs LLC. With my mom at my side in the sewing room, we design and sew children's clothing & accessories for all ages.  Our main focus is on children's clothing, which is available for purchase in our on-line shop HERE. Also, we are partnered with Market Boutique on Main in Oshkosh,Wi 224 N. Main St. You can shop our goods in person during their store hours as well! Market Boutique on Main also has a fun Creative Space where we lead others in DIY projects and workshops to those who are interested in learning sewing too! Check our upcoming events here!

One of my favorite parts of this business is designing custom orders for our customers.

Do you have a daughter that likes superheros, dinosaurs, or baseball?


Do you like to dress your children in coordinating, but not "matchy-matchy" outfits?


Maybe your child doesn't fit into the store-bought sizing charts?

Or, my personal favorite: your children want to share their faith on their sleeve?


Many of those creations and more are pictured on LadyBeez Designs Facebook page: LOOK BOOK albums. Everything is handcrafted in one of our two homes in Oshkosh or Gresham, Wisconsin. ( I'd show you a picture of my design studio, but it's currently under construction.  Which makes me just giddy with excitement!)

Please contact us with any questions you have!  As I said, we love making custom orders AND getting our designs out in markets and local shops.  Thank you for having me here to share our work with you!

Be Blessed!

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