let this be the whisper of your heart

spirit lead me hhh 2014 is here and that can only mean that over the last week most of us have wondered What this year will bring?

If only we could peer into the pretty, shiny ornaments of the Christmas season and see a glimpse of what 2014 has in store for us. Will we be happy? Healthy? Will we meet our goals? Or fail? Will there be heartbreak? Will our dreams come true?

Dear ones, there is only one answer to each of those questions and it’s not yes or no or maybe.

The answer is Jesus.

The One who has already seen every moment of the upcoming year, invites you to trust in Him as He takes you by the hand and leads you forward.

Don’t pull away. Don’t allow doubt to take over or let fear paralyze you. Don’t stumble around when there is Someone to hold onto. Loosen your death grip on control and fall into the arms of the One who will carry you. Whether you’re sorting through little things or facing big scary giants, let the whisper of your heart be a constant I trust you, Jesus.

Every moment, every day, with everything and everyone.

Let the words tumble around in your heart and then slide off your tongue. Say it out loud.

In the kitchen with toddlers crying at your feet. When you’re sitting at the doctor’s office. In the car driving down icy roads. When you send your 1st grader off on the bus. When you’re waiting for the phone call. In bed when you’re rehashing the day. When you pen your hopes and goals for 2014.

I trust you, Jesus.

There is freedom and comfort and rest in those words.

Because no matter what the days of this year will bring, we can trust that He is by our side.

He is our soft place to land. He is here through the joy and the hard.

Watch and see where He takes you, what He will do through you.

What will this year bring? 

We can't look into a shiny ball and get the answer. But we can look to Him.

I trust you, Jesus. 

Happy New Year, friends! He's got this.


*The Spirit Lead Me print can be found from Naptimes Diaries here. It's beautiful and free!
