Many Gifts - One Spirit // Fan Into Flame


flameheaderIf I could pick which spiritual gifts I was given I would choose them all. I want to do everything be good at everything and I don't want to miss out on anything.

Perhaps you feel the same? But in all truth - it's good that we are different.

We can exude gifts such as knowledge, trust, and charity but if our motivation is anything but love - we are nothing. God's words not mine.

We have different spiritual gifts from each other but their source is the same. God. He knows our limits, our temptations, and our desires.

Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. Psalm 139:16

Our spiritual gifts may be different but we ALL share in the privilege to share the gospel with others.

BUT the way we each share Jesus' love with others will certainly not be done the same way. We cannot do it ALL and God doesn't expect us to.

Our brothers and sisters in the faith are not our competition but our team to cheer and build us up to make it home in the end!



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I hope you enjoyed our third online bible study from the series Fan Into Flame.

Week one // THE Ultimate Spiritual Gift  Week two // Your Holy Life Week three // Many Gifts - One Spirit

***If you use the bible study in a group or share it with another please give source credit to me and the blog. Thank you!

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If you want to be a part of the bible study I highly recommend being a part of the Facebook group where we get to know you more and be mutually encouraged! The Facebook group is private so any information that you share will be seen only by those allowed in the group.
