Necklace Giveaway // Vesper's Darling Adornments

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"Hi everyone! I'm Megan, a stay-at-home mother of 2. In my free time, I enjoy crocheting, singing in the church choir, playing piano, watching baseball, cooking, and spending time with my AMAZING family.

I originally started making necklaces after my daughter, Vesper, was born. She would get SO distracted while nursing. I had heard of other mothers using nursing necklaces to keep their children focused. When I looked into buying nursing necklaces, I found that most were ones that I would never wear outside of the house.I decided to create my own that I would be proud to wear any day.

I received a number of compliments on my necklaces from all sorts of women, nursing mothers and non-mothers alike. I decided to start a business creating necklaces that could be worn by ANYONE!

I've stayed true to my original inspiration of nursing necklaces by using pendants, big beads, and brights beads; all things that would keep the attention of a young child. At the same time, I create pieces that are beautiful enough that ANY woman would be proud to wear them!"


At Vesper's Darling Adornments, every piece is handmade and no two are alike. These necklaces are perfect for every day women.

Are you a mother with small children? The necklaces from Vesper's Darling Adornments work great as mommy or nursing necklaces. Do you have a distracted nurser or an antsy child? Keep them focused and occupied with one of these gorgeous necklaces during church or at a restaurant. They are sturdy enough so you don't have to worry about your child breaking them and beautifully looking so that you can wear them to work, around the house, or even a night out on the town!

Fulfill all entries below to be eligible for the giveaway - thank you!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Take a peek at Megan's etsy shop and let us know which necklace color combination you'd like best! Do you prefer bold & bright, subtle & earthy, or fancy nancy?


Winner will be announced on saturday!
