New Beginnings Interview // Kelsey

Today is a continuation from our introduction post about New Beginnings, a home for mothers in Milwaukee. Kelsey and her son's future changed forever because of the services New Beginnings offered her when she was in need.

How did God lead you to New Beginnings?

I feel that God lead me to New Beginnings by giving me a second chance.  I am a recovering addict, going on 5 years in April 2015.  Without the blessing of New Beginnings, Adam and I would have been homeless.  Also, prior to coming to New Beginnings I didn’t know much about God, and my relationship with him did not exsist.  I believe God led me to New Beginnings to open my heart to him, and ever since he has been a DAILY part of my life, and our relationship is as strong as ever.  Without God, I would not be the woman, daughter, mother, and person that I am today.

Tell me more about yourself, what is a regular day like for you?

A regular day for me includes waking up and getting my son Adam ready for the day.  We both get dressed and brush our teeth together.  Afterwards I take him to my grandmother’s house. She watches him while I head to work.  I usually work from 8:30am until 6:30pm and then head back to my grandmother’s to pick him up. Afterwards, we go home and have dinner and I read him a good night story and we say our prayers.



How has New Beginnings been a blessing to you?

New Beginnings has been a blessing to me by showing me how much God truly loves me and Adam.  How much he is there for us through our difficult times, good times, etc.  It has also blessed me by teaching me values, and strengths to succeed not only for myself, but for my son.

What bible passage is your personal favorite?

"For I know the plans I have for you” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and future." Jeremiah 29:11

This is my favorite because it holds true to my everyday life.  God is there, and when I trust in him, I know that I will be okay.

Who is your strongest Christian mentor?

I have MANY strong Christian mentor’s, and this too is a blessing that New Beginnings has provided to me.  However, to give you just one, I would say my New Beginning’s mentor Judi and her husband Jack.  They have become a part of mine and Adam’s family.  When I feel a fault in my relationship with God, I turn to them, and they remind the true beauty of being a Christian, and believing in God.

Any words that you would like to say to any single mothers or women in need?

My advice is to not give up.  Life is hard, and it may seem like there is no light at the end of the tunnel, but I am a living witness that there is.  And with God in your life, you can accomplish anything you put your mind to.  Trust in Him, and everything will be okay.



Is there anything specific from Titus 2:3-5, our blog’s mission, that you can comment on to encourage women?

Titus 2:3-5, “Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. Then they can train the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.”

When I read Titus 2:3-5, all I think of is what will my actions today teach my children?  I want my son to be a child of God, and I want him to do good.  There is so much going on negatively in our world today, and without God, what do we have? God is our hope, our today, and our tomorrow.

What do you feel are some barriers in giving the women the help they need? 

Misunderstanding is a huge barrier I feel get in the way of giving woman the help they need.  Just because you may be a single mother, that doesn’t make you weak.  If anything it makes us stronger, because we play both mom and dad.  We are the foundation of what our children will grow up to be.  This is why I teach Adam everything New Beginnings has taught me.


Thank you Kelsey and the home managers from New Beginnings for sharing your stories with us. We are glad to bring share your organization and its mission with our readers and community.

Are you pregnant and need some assistance? Do you know a woman that needs help? Please contact New Beginnings. They are currently accepting new applications, call them at 1-800-720-MOMS (6667) or contact them.

If you feel led to assist New Beginnings you can share a gift of money, donate items (host a baby shower for a mom in need!), or have time to volunteer - click here! 

Moms supporting other moms is part of our upcoming event "Out of the Nest!" and we are glad to give 10% of our ticket sales to the mission of New Beginnings.
