rock the choir robe....

hhh choir robe 1 I was scrolling through the camera roll on my phone recently and this gem caught my eye.

Yep, that's a (shameless) selfie of me. In the restroom at church. In my flashy blue choir robe. :)

As the day tumbled on yesterday, I kept thinking about that photo and how serving others and giving glory to my Lord sometimes looks like teaching Sunday School or planning an outreach event or, yes, even donning a choir robe. I can't sing like Adele (I wish! Don't we all.), but I can carry a tune. I can lend my voice to a group that joins together to offer up praise to God.

So what's your choir robe??  How are you serving God's Kingdom right now? Inside and outside of your church?

I don't ask this to make you feel badly if you can't come up with a long list. I ask to gently remind you of the beautiful gifts, unique to you, that can bless the socks off others. God has equipped YOU in (one, two, three, ten, fifty) ways to serve Him and those He's placed in your life and your church family and community.

Bake brownies. Pour apple juice. Rake leaves. Volunteer at your kiddo's school. Fold Sunday bulletins. Make calls for a prayer chain. Lead a Pioneer group. Coach a team. Wipe down tables. Write a newsletter article. Encourage and invite and listen. Run the sound system. Organize a closet. Or an event. Cut out shapes for a craft project. Fix the pipes. Play the flute. Decorate for a holiday. Sing in the choir. Rock babies. Visit shut ins. Deliver goodie bags. Stuff Easter eggs. Whip up a casserole. Teach your children hymns and Bible verses. Greet people as they come into church. Host a fellowship event. Or a Bible study. Write notes to visitors. Scoop soup into bowls.

Couldn't this list go on and on and on?? There's a million and ten ways we can use the talents God gave to us. We may not do everything perfectly, but can put our own spin on each of them and HE will smile over it. He is our inspiration and motivation and example! No matter what season of life you are in at this moment - younger or older, single or married, at home or working outside the home, mothering young children or empty nesting, minutes or hours to offer - you all are called to serve in some way and be a blessing to others. You might just even surprise yourself with what you can do, what you can accomplish with our awesome God having your back!

What a privilege! What a joy! To be one of the necessary parts of the body of Christ.

It's go time. Roll up your sleeves, my dears! Or slip on your choir robe.

Shine your light. Share the Good News. Serve with gladness.

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen. ~ 1 Peter 4:10-11

