Simply Amazing

What can be more precious than the relationships we share with our children? Last year at my workplace, a young father returned to work after the birth of his first child, a daughter. He was heartbroken that he had to leave her mother and her, and be content with just seeing them a few hours a day.

At first glance of a new baby, most parents immediately fall in love with the miracle of a new life. My friend was no exception. We were created for relationships.

That's because relationships are immensely important to God. In Genesis we learn how He created Adam and Eve, married them, told them to be fruitful and multiply, and blessed their togetherness. Martin Luther calls the book of Genesis, "the supreme book of relationships." In it we learn about God to nature, God to man, and man to man.

Then, if God created us for relationships, why are they so hard?

The answer is easy, and sad. Relationships are a reflection of our sinful natures. Since the fall into sin, we are no longer in harmony with God and each other. The Bible is full of the ugliness of broken relationships, hatred, murder, and betrayal. 

The Bible also shows us the remedy and restoration completed through the work of Christ. Jesus bridged the gap between the sinful world and a holy God. He covers our sin with his righteousness. He makes precious relationships with God the Father possible. That's why he came to the earth, died and rose again. Jesus is God's simple answer to our broken world.

No longer is God heartbroken that our sin has separated us from him. Jesus' death on the cross paid for our sin in full. His resurrection proves that he is the God over life and death. Soon he will return and all believers will experience the ultimate relationship we were meant to have from eternity. This is God's eternal plan - to be together in a perfect love relationship!

Your love relationship with your babies is a glimpse of how simply amazing that day will be! 

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.  Romans 5:8