Six Things I'm Looking Forward to Enjoying at Out of the Nest 2018!

With the recent accumulation of what seems to be almost seventeen feet of snow and ice,  I am EXTRA excited to get out of my nest! We have spent time over pretty close to the entire last year planning Out of the Nest 2018, and I can't even believe it's already here tomorrow! <insert mini freak-out here.>


There are so many things I am looking forward to, but because I like to make lists about pretty much everything, I thought I'd narrow it down to the top six things that I am most looking forward to enjoying at Out of the Nest this year.

  1. First and foremost: Faith and Fellowship. Getting together with fellow followers of Christ outside of the usual church thing on Sunday can be extra special and also extra fulfilling. We get to have our undivided attention-- without any children interrupting-- on Mel while she speaks. Mel has been so passionate about our theme this year that I'm sure she't got something fantastic cooked up for us! 
  2. Music and Singing. I just love, love, love listening to The Lutheran Ceili Orchestra. Mel and I often joke that we could just sit and listen to Amanda sing all day... but it isn't a joke, we totally would! 
  3. Friends and Family. This year I have a great group of friends that I am looking forward to seeing along with my mom, mother-in-law, cousins, and aunt. It's such a great way to get together to catch up and have fun! Plus, I don't know about you, but shopping with family and friends is always so much better! 
  4. Dinner and Drinks. I mean, any mom coming is probably super pumped to not have to make or clean up her dinner, along with being able to enjoy it while it is still warm! Add a glass of wine with dessert and well, it doesn't get much better than that!
  5. Heels and Lipstick. Okay, regularly I probably wouldn't say these things. In fact, I don't even know how to put lipstick on and was getting texted advice on the very subject just the other day. BUT! I'm a mom who almost always is in sweatpants, so a day to get prettied up is something to look forward to! (No promises I won't trip in the heels though.)
  6. Shopping and shopping. I am super excited for our vendors this year. Many of them are first-timers! Hand-made is sort of my jam so I am going to probably have to hold myself back a little! 

I really hope you are as excited as I am for Out of the Nest 2018! I look forward to seeing you there and hope you have a really great time! Join me in praying for our event tomorrow and safe travels to you!

Heavenly Father, Thank you! Thank you for allowing Out of the Nest to fall into place this year. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to get together with our friends and our family to celebrate the uniqueness that you have given to each of us as Christian women in all seasons of life. Help us to unite together, to build each other up, and to leave feeling refreshed and rejuvenated for You. Give us guidance, courage and strength to be warriors for You!  Amen.