Surrounded By Princesses

A month and a half ago, I was on spring break in Florida with three of my girlfriends. As part of our trip, we did what any mature, sophisticated college students would do and spent a day at Disney World’s Magic Kingdom. 


Just as it’s name suggests, the park truly was magical. 


We rode a ferry boat to the park entrance, went on every ride we possibly could, maintained relatively positive attitudes despite the heat and exhaustion of a full day of being on our feet, and even met two princesses, Rapunzel and Tiana.



When we arrived back at our hotel, we all fell into a deeper sleep than Sleeping Beauty and awoke the next morning to drive back to West Palm Beach where we were staying. It just so happened to be International Women’s Day. As I drove - belting songs at the top of my lungs with the other girls - I couldn’t help but reflect on the incredible real-life princesses God has placed into my life.


I had spent the day before feeling like a little kid living her childhood princess dreams. 


I was jamming out in the car and laughing at ridiculous jokes with three daughters of the King. 


I was driving back to a household with a queen of a mom who lives a life that visibly displays Christ to all people, including her four little princesses. 


And these were only but a few of the strong, Christian women with whom God has surrounded me. 


Church members, teachers, lifelong friends, my grandma, my sister, my mom - so many women rushed through my mind as I truly thought about what it means to be a woman, but more importantly, what it means to be part of God’s royal family. 


Maybe International Women’s Day and feminism gets a bad rap amongst Christian circles. Often times, it rightly should. “Equality” for women has led to the belittlement of men, the legalization of a woman’s choice concerning not just her body but the body of her unborn child, and a distorted view on the special role and responsibilities that women hold. This is sin and the devil corrupting the world. 


We can’t deny that these things are evil and against God’s will.


However, the beauty of feminism and International Women’s Day is the acknowledgement that women are important and that we can make a difference in the world. As Christians, we know that our role as women is even greater than this narrow and worldly perspective. We know that God made each one of us unique. We know that He gave us different talents and abilities with which we can serve Him. We know that by the blood that His Son shed on the cross, we are crowned princesses and are heirs to His eternal kingdom.


If you’re at all like me, then you probably were taught about our Heavenly King by some of his Daughters.


I remember learning about Noah, Moses, and Elijah in Sunday School classes led by female members of my church. 


I remember late night talks with girlfriends in high school about trusting in God’s plan. 


I remember riding in the car with my mom as we talked about what it means to proudly wear the crown my Father has given to me.


These women let their royalty that Christ won for them show through their words and actions. Then and now, they are actively living lives of love and thankfulness for their King by serving others and sharing His message of salvation. As God’s princesses, we can do the same thing. 


Do not hide your crown. 


Don’t allow it to become dirty and lose its sparkle. 


Never take it off and become a servant to the world. 


Take some time today to reflect on the Christian princesses that God has placed into your life. Thank God for them and pray for them. Ask for strength from the Holy Spirit to proudly serve your King. Cling to the comfort in knowing that our heavenly kingdom awaits us where we will be united with our Almighty Majesty and his entire royal family. 


And, as always:

Let Your Crown Shine Today.

Rev. 3:11