taking care series :: skin + hair

We've invited you to come alongside of us as Rachel chats about anything and everything *taking care* over the next few weeks. Pour yourself a cup of something and pull up a chair. So happy you are here! I've never been one for lots of beauty products. Oodles of lotions and potions aren't overflowing from my medicine cabinet. I'm a simple girl that way. (My clothes closet, on the other hand, is another story. Yikes!)

But I do want clean, clear skin and healthy, strong hair. I'm now in my thirties and realize as I get older that those two things take effort and consistency. And taking care of my skin and hair helps me to feel beautiful and confident as I care for my family and do my job and spend time with friends.

So let's share some our favorite skin + hair products today!

I'll go first.

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I tend to stick with more simple, natural products that can be used for hands, body, and face - for me and my family. You can always, always find Dr. Bronner's, Kirk's, and Kiss My Face next to our bathroom sink and in the shower. They have subtle but lovely scents, clean well, and are gentle on skin. Win win win in my book!


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I'm obsessed and smitten with the magical powers of coconut oil. This jar packs a big, beautiful punch! I use it to remove makeup. I slather it on my hair about once a week as a conditioner and strengthener for my locks.  I take a scoop and rub it into dry skin patches. I whip it and mix it with essential oils for a face moisturizer. Coconut oil! The jack of all trades. Try it and be amazed.


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The wonderful Amanda at Diddles Dairy recently gave all the hens of Holy Hen House some of her wonderful handmade goat milk soaps to try. Oh my lands! Not only do they smell glorious, but they leave my skin feeling A++. Bar soaps have forever frustrated me with their messiness and, well, slippery-ness. Is that a word? No? Let's just go with it. Enter in....the loofah pouch! The handmade bar soap plops in the bag and provides all the cleaning power without the mess. I'm.in.love.

One other item I can't live without is my wooden bath brush. I use it about twice a week in the shower to exfoliate my skin. Those few extra minutes under the warm water are a treat and my skin is squeaky clean.


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I'm not too picky or committed when it comes to shampoos and conditioners. Right this second we have bottles of Trader Joe's and Kiss My Face and Burt's Bees that our whole family uses. My hair tends to be on the oily side so I try to find products that keep that under control and balanced.

Ok, your turn! What products are a part of your daily routine?? What ones can't you live without?? Any fun beauty tricks you'd like to share?? We'd love for you to share! 

