The Story of YOU

Do you have a keepsake baby book?

One that is filled with memories: birthday and holiday events, vacation photos, school report cards? Some books come to bulge as they are stuffed with birth/baptismal-certificates, diplomas, family trees and immunization dates.  Select life events that form a one-of-a-kind record of the person to whom the data belongs.

Mother is the typical designee committed to gathering and recording pertinent information, carefully storing it for reference.  In moments of nostalgia, she weeps as she reviews those well-worn pages, holding ever closer to her heart God’s gift of a growing, beloved child.

 The culmination of such facts tells a unique and wonderful story. 

It’s the story of YOU.

 As full as your baby book may (or may not) be, you are valued so much more than a mere collection of paper mementos. With power, purpose and passion, the Creator of the universe made a plan that included YOU.

 Psalm 139:16: Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”

 The same God who created everything in 6 days’ time, incorporated YOU into His divine design. Before there was a twinkle in your father’s eye or your mother began page one of your baby book; your life was carefully mapped out. The Lord arranged your future ahead of your earthly arrival.  Since then, He continues to manage your path, listens to every prayer and feeds your faith with ongoing conversations in His Word. He commands his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways (Psalm 91:1). He knows your needs and well-provides for them. He delivers more love and care than a human brain can imagine or a devoted mother can deliver. Love beyond even that first haircut-tuft-of-fuzz tucked inside your baby book. “Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.” Luke 12:7

 You are forever precious in God’s eyes. The gospel story merges with your own as God’s eternal purpose unfolds. Embrace that purpose each day! YOU are worthy of our Heavenly Father’s surrendering his only Son Jesus, insuring your name is written into the Book of Life.  A book that guarantees your story goes on and on… all the way to heaven.

And that, dear reader, is a story is worth sharing.