Warm up your Wednesday: Easy Apple Chips

I have flashes of healthy snacking thoughts at the grocery store and stock up on good for you, no-prep produce when I see the right price.  Sadly this produce meets its end in the bottom of  a fridge drawer more often than I'd like to admit.  This post was inspired by some slightly shriveled apples (thanks guys) who made it out of that drawer… and were eaten.  Some thanks, right?  And they were delicious!  This easy recipe for Apple Chips will come in handy the next time you rescue a few apples in your own kitchen, or debate buying a bag of mostly air for $3.50 at TJ Maxx.  Or when you realize wishing for spring doesn't do much and decide to bake the winter blues away instead!  Not only do you get a healthy, mostly hands-off snack, but the house will smell ahhh-mazing.


Easy Apple Chips    Active Time: 15 minutes

At least 3 apples  (I like Gala best but any firm apple will work)



optional equipment:  mandoline slicer, parchment paper



1.  Wash your apples.  I do mine with a little cider vinegar and baking soda to get rid of the wax film.


2.  Cut the apples in half horizontally, and pick out the seeds with a fork.  You can core your apples before cutting them in half if you want; I like the pretty star look.



3.  Thin slice apples.  If using a mandoline for slicing set the blade to depth at 2.  Back in the day (last week) I got sick of uneven slicing and decided to invest in a mandoline.  I'd heard they are pricey but found this basic one for about $22.  Simple, dishwasher safe, nice and sharp-- he'll make a lot of apple chips before I need anything better.  If you haven't tried a mandoline, I recommend it!  They cut this recipe time down a ton.  ;)  This type is available at Walmart, or test out an even simpler Progressive slicer, for $10 at Bed Bath and Beyond.

If you have a steady hand and a little patience, you'll be just fine with a paring knife.  Place the apple halves, cut side down on the cutting board and go for as even, thin slices as possible.



4.  Preheat the over to 200 and lay the slices on parchment paper, on a cookie sheet.  Parchment paper prevents sticking, and allows the apples to ripple as they crisp.



5.  Sprinkle with cinnamon (and sugar if you have a sweet tooth- I use about a tsp. per pan).  Sweeter apples like Gala and Pink Lady are tasty plain, too.



6.  Into the oven at 200 for 60 minutes.  After the hour, flip the slices and pop them back in for another 30-45 minutes.  My oven is a little hotter around the edges, so I rotate the pans front to back, AND switch from top to bottom after sixty minutes.



7.  Shut off the oven, crack the door and you're done.  The apple slices should be dry and light, but will continue to crisp up as the oven cools.  Store in an air tight container.  These chips keep well but mine never last long.  :)  Happy snacking!

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