What Does It Take?

Joy. Awe. Wonder. 

What would it take to kindle new wonder in your soul? Would it take something large, or something small?

For some, the wonder comes while gazing at new baby’s innocent face. 

For others, an ardent hug from a loved one stirs the embers. 

And for many, it takes something like a large crowd, cheering at a football game, when the touchdown – the one no one could make – was made, against all odds.

How about you? What does it take to start that soul-stirring burn?

Is creation the answer?

When I am outside, my dry spirit gets a little drink of refreshment from seeing, smelling, feeling and sometimes tasting the beauty God dreamed up and set in motion in just days. 

The air fills me with more oxygen and the oxygen creates endorphins. My physical body feels more alive. 

My heart smiles. The gift of life becomes a wonderful thing again. 

It lasts for a while, but if I don’t keep going outside, it wanes. Within a short time, the euphoria dies, and I soon find out that I need to keep plugged into the awe and wonder of creation to reap its benefits.

Spiritually, another creation can induce far more wonder than the awe of God’s world

This creation is a new heart awakened in the awe of God’s Word

On Fire
One definition for this process is “to light, using dry twigs to kindle a fire.” Another is “to set in motion a passion for something.”

How about you, dear reader? Is your soul lit up? Are you filled with passion and joy? Filled with awe and wonder?

If you answered no, thank you for your honesty! You are not alone. 

The Word of God showcases person after person who became dry and weary of life. Over time, their hearts became less and less hydrated, and more and more devoid of holy passion. Life gets in the way of awe and wonder, doesn’t it? 

The great news is this: God uses your dry twigs. As a child of God, you can be assured that your heavenly Father is continually at work to kindle your fire for him, whether you feel it or not.

One way he does this is by intervention. Consider David, Peter, and the woman at the well. Each one fell away. In short, they dried up. And in mercy, God intruded and made them face themselves. He stirred their hearts and forgave their willful turning away. His words of forgiveness infused new life into their weary souls. Joy, awe and wonder returned. 

The ability of God to refresh, renew and revive us is endless. His loving pursuits come through pain or blessings. But never forget, it’s all because of Jesus – his life, his death, his resurrection – and his amazing ability to do “more than all we can ask or imagine.” Ephesians 3:20-21 

Maybe you’ve heard this truth so much, it no longer lights a fire in you. 

You might even think this at times:  Jesus is in heaven. I am here. How can anyone feel awestruck when he is so far away and I am alone? 

The raw truth of the matter lies in our failure to understand how God provides the means for renewed wonder. Jesus should be so tired of our lethargy! Yet, God is a God of hope.

In love and compassion Jesus shows up even when we cannot. Remember the disciples on their way to Emmaus? They were heart broken, confused, exhausted and discouraged. Jesus intervened and patiently pointed them back to Scripture. His words restored their hope. 

“They asked each other, ‘Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?’” Luke 24:32

Our loving Lord constantly provides means for renewal through his promises to be with us and his voice in the Word. 

The catch is how we respond to what the Holy Spirit offers. Are we ho hum, only seeing the same old scene, reading the same old words? Or do we expect fresh oxygen and new joy as we partake of the Word, reading and meditating on it?  

Yes, it may take discipline to read. And it may take time to attend church where we get to worship the God of the universe and the Savior of the world who returned to heaven but left his Holy Spirit to live in our hearts and fuel our passion for him. 

But the simple obedience works in the same way we consume water for our physical bodies. It takes effort to open the mouth, but we make it a habit because it is necessary for life. 

That’s all it takes – God in grace does the rest. 

There’s no secret and no shortcut to staying alive and vital. 

Need more joy, awe and wonder?

Stay close to Jesus. Seek His face. Dwell in the Word. Worship. Repent. Pray. Expect joy, awe and wonder. 

In grace, God will kindle new fire in you.

That’s all it takes!

“Shout for joy to God, all the earth! Sing the glory of his name; make his praise glorious. Say to God, “How awesome are your deeds!

Come and hear, all you who fear God; let me tell you what he has done for me. I cried out to him with my mouth; his praise was on my tongue. If I had cherished sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened; but God has surely listened and has heard my prayer. Praise be to God, who has not rejected my prayer or withheld his love from me!”

Psalm 66:1-2,16-20

Prayer: Come Holy Spirit, renew our hearts and kindle in us the fire of your love! Turn our dry hearts into a firestorm of joy, radiating and reflecting You, our awesome Creator, and our wonderful Savior. Help us to joyfully use your loving gifts as we revel in service to you and others. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.