taking care :: do what you love

We’ve invited you to come alongside of us as Rachel chats about anything and everything *taking care* over the next few weeks. Pour yourself a cup of something and pull up a chair. So happy you are here! What do you love? You know, that wonderful something you do for you that makes your heart sing. That relaxes or energizes you. That makes you smile. That brings you joy.

Maybe it's cooking or swimming or painting. Maybe you love putting a pen to the page or watching old movies with a bowl of popcorn in your lap or soaking in the tub with a candle lit beside you. Perhaps you can't get enough of creating beautiful things or singing or playing the guitar.


Are you doing what you love enough? If not, carve out time for it! Whether it's 10 minutes or an hour or an evening, take those moments and fill them with what you love.

So click those knitting needles. Stir up that batter. Hike up that hill. Call up your dear friends for a girls' night.

I know firsthand that life can be very busy and full with jobs and children and housework and EVERYTHING, and it can be tricky to try to fit in the fun things. But doing what you enjoy is such a wonderful way to take care and treat yourself well. So let's make it happen!

A Taking Care Challenge For You :: Make a plan! When will you do this thing you love? What day and time? Write it down! Make arrangements (with your hubby or a sitter) if you need to. And then enjoy!

******** Taking care :: a series Taking care :: fill me up, pour me out Taking care :: move Taking care :: skin + hair