The Holy Hen House Magazine | A Dwelling Place

HOLY HEN HOUSE | the magazine
a dwelling place for women of faith in every season

For the last couple of months, the Holy Hen House leadership team has reevaluated how we spend our time online and offline personally and as a ministry. How does our community take in our content? Are we stewarding our gifts and time well?

The Holy Hen House Magazine is an invitation for women to take a step back from online noise (or any kind!) and dwell in the pages of our seasonal publication inspired by God’s Word.



  • Devotional Articles

  • Bible Study

  • Sermon Notes Guide

  • Poetry

  • Interviews

  • Gratitude Journal Entries

  • Creative Writing/Short Stories

  • Artist Highlights

  • Prayer Lists

  • Question & Answers

  • Hymn Study

  • Photography


It is our hope that the magazine will lead our community to:

  1. SLOW DOWN. Time is fleeting. Before we know it one season fades into another. A quarterly publication allows women to read our content in a slower paced atmosphere. We are committed to solid content inspired by God’s Word that will be valuable of your time. Take our magazine with you during quiet time in your favorite chair, your small group Bible study, or even to church to take sermon notes. Come back later to fill in prayer and gratitude lists and document how God’s glory shows up in your every day.

  2. HAVE LESS DISTRACTIONS. Compare having a book in your hands to a web browser with multiple window tabs open or social media notifications ringing. Technology is convenient but it is certainly distracting. With a device you can consume and share content with a click of a button or command. What is the quality of the relationship, though? Is the information quickly forgotten? Do you find yourself lost, scrolling through mindless memes and ads? There is a difference between reading an article online and a tangible booklet in your hands where you can focus your soul and mind.

  3. FIND CONTENT IN A CENTRAL LOCATION. This is more than just a magazine. As you have read, there will be space for you to add your own thoughts and notes that pertain to the current season of life that you are in. Instead of having to click online to access each individual part of our content you will find it at a flip of the page in your hands. Our devotional articles, Bible studies, interviews, Q&A, Hymn/Art studies, and photography will all be in one place for you to take in and refer back to.

  4. BE A CONTRIBUTOR. Are you a writer, photographer, artist, or creative? Any interested in using their gifts in our published magazine are welcome to submit content (articles, poetry, art, photography, etc.) for us to consider. We are delighted to create this resource with other women to dwell on God’s grace in our lives and impact generations for His glory!


Submissions are closed for our winter quarter magazine that will be released this December.

The SUBMISSION DEADLINE was August 31st. Click the button below for more guidelines to be a contributor!


Pre-orders available September 23rd! Stay tuned!