Sew with Me

Stress and anxiety melts away as I reach for my embroidery floss, needle, and hoop. After threading the needle and knotting the floss, I carefully begin to stitch my grandmother’s vintage dish towel, and quickly find a rhythm.

I feel a connection to the past, recalling Grandmother Anna’s patience in teaching me this stitch. I take a break to switch floss colors and admire my work. The tiny stitches are completing an image, and it is almost finished. I think of the joy my grandmother would have had in seeing her unfinished project almost complete. I pick up the towel again, but now my eyes strain to see the faded outlines of the iron-on transfer.

Will I be able to complete the image? Will it look like the original plan that was ironed on more than 40 years ago? In some ways, this embroidery project is like my faith walk as a Christian. At times it is a beautiful clear picture; other times, I strain to see my path.

Sometimes I can clearly see God’s will for my life. One of my mottos is a secular one that echoes part of what Scripture teaches: “Kindness is cool, spread it wherever you go.” I seek to see the good in people and the beauty around me, and try my best to have a smile on my face. As a Christian wife, mother, daughter, sister, and friend, I seek to present a beautiful Christian picture of faith, of praising God and spreading the Gospel. I seek to be as Jesus said:

You should be a light for other people. Live so that they will see the good things you do. Live so that they will praise your Father in Heaven.
— Matthew 5:16

In contrast to this clear path, at times I feel lost. My path has faded. I question, “Why am I feeling so stressed out all of the time? Why am I letting Satan prowl around in my mind?  Why can’t I get it together?”  It is hard to admit, but the feeling of being lost really boils down to my struggle with trusting and obeying God.  

Thankfully, I have the Bible and Holy Spirit to guide me. They are a compass when I feel lost. In addition to God and His Word, I listen to podcasts by my favorite author and missionary, Elisabeth Elliott. One main theme of her podcast is this:  “Trust God, obey God, and do the next thing.”  With the Holy Spirit’s help, I seek to do this. I pray that I would waste less time being stuck in one place, operating in fear of what might happen. Instead, I seek to cheerfully focus on God’s will for my life and get back on the path God has lovingly prepared for me. As the psalmist said in Psalm 16:11:  “You will show me the path of life, in your presence is fullness of joy.”

As I am stitching the last of my priceless piece of the past, my heart is full. I pull the needle off and stow it away. I knot the floss and snip off the excess with my scissors.  I tuck away my sewing basket and supplies. I loosen the embroidery hoop to free the dishcloth. I sigh; how I wish Grandmother Anna was still here to see how beautiful it is! And just like my Christian journey, if you look closely, the outline hasn’t been followed perfectly.

Thankfully, God gives me an abundance of grace, through my faith in Jesus. God keeps his promises, so I know I can trust the path He has set me on, and that one day I can look forward to a joyful reunion in Heaven with my sweet grandmother.

If thou but suffer God to guide thee,
And hope in Him through all thy ways,
He’ll give thee strength, what-e’er betide thee,
And bear thee through the evil days:
Who trusts in God’s unchanging love
builds on the rock that naught can move.
— Georg Neumark, 1641